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The Spill: Blunder Years

The Spill: Blunder years

calling all story tellers for tales of growing pains: the “remember when we…” stories of fads gone wrong and weird trends of years past, past obsessions and phases, stories of being a wallflower, coming of age, secrets with the bffs, being a mall rat, setting up your myspace page just right, past truths or dares, the epic highs and lows of school picture day, the scrapes and scratches earned during a blooper worthy incidents, nostalgic hang out spots — the high school hiccups, middle school melodramas, the fondness for the freak that made us who we are now

Come and share your dusty treasure for the world to laugh and regret and reminisce about together. 
Come and tell us what the old you was up to!

Storyteller slots OPEN for sign ups!
DM or email us to sign up for a storytelling slot or show up at the event and hop on the open mic.
Stories are 5 minutes or less, told candidly (like you would tell a friend) without the use of notes !

This event is proudly sponsored by Montucky Cold Snacks! All proceeds of purchases Montucky at the event and all donations at the door go towards funding our upcoming LGBTQAI+ literary contests and in-print copies of our lit-mag Oroboro!

Save the date !
July 15
All ages
$3 donation

June 17

Super Summer Karaoke Fundraiser for Penrose Poetry Prize 2023

August 13

Oroboro - Virtual Poetry and Prose Reading